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Anywhere Workout 3.2

Writer's picture: AlchemyAlchemy

Week 3 - Workout 2!

A little neuromuscular connection coming at you today - all while increasing your power output!

Equipment: KB/DB or weighted sack/backpack and a light set of dumbbells/soup cans (or something similar) or a pair of sheets... and perhaps a small rubber ball... 


Activation Warmup as before


3 Rounds of

Towel Prone Press + Raise (video reminder below) x 10

Body Saws @ a slow, intentional tempo (video below) x 10



3 Rounds (each movement IMMEDIATELY follows the next):

Sloth Weighted Squat (using backpack/KB/DB/BB) @ 5-7 sec down and 5-7 sec up x 6-8

Wall Sit x :30s

Squat Jumps x 20

2:00 Rest


3 Rounds (each movement IMMEDIATELY follows the next):

Weighted RDL (using backpack*/KB*/DBs/BB) @ 5-7 sec down and 5-7 sec up x 6-8

Hold @ the top of a Bent over Row x :30s

Frog Jumps x 20 **

2:00 Rest

* If the weight that you have access to is not feeling challenging here, hold the weights farther away from your body - but KEEP YOUR BACK ACTIVE AND SHOULDER BLADES SQUEEZING TOGETHER. This utilizes the power of gravity and levers in a different way to make it more challenging.

** Remember, we like to make these like traveling KB swings without the KB. Hip hinge & thrust your way through these.


3 Rounds (each movement IMMEDIATELY follows the next):

Dump the Can (Video Below Cool Down) @ 5-7 sec down and 5-7 sec up x 6-8

Pec Squeeze*** x:30

Dual Sheet Reverse Fly OR DB Reverse Fly making it ballistic (Video Below) x:20 seconds

2:00 Rest

*** For the squeeze, you can either take a small unweighted ball (no bigger than a basketball) or just simply squeeze your hands together getting lots of pec and shoulder activation. Generate lots of heat!

Cool Down

Deep breathing the Full Body Warmup we've been doing would be perfect here. And try to get outside to take a walk! It should be a beautiful day.

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